Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy Attorneys in Galena or Centerburg, Ohio
Why make Wood & Brewer your first call if you are looking for a Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy Attorneys in Galena or Centerburg, Ohio?
Galena and Centerburg residents file personal bankruptcies when their financial situations become unmanageable and paying their bills becomes impossible. Individuals can go through the bankruptcy process without legal assistance and handle all of the paperwork involved on their own, but very few do. Most people who file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcies hire lawyers to avoid common mistakes, and they rarely regret it. Here are the ways that our experienced bankruptcy attorneys could help you to escape overwhelming debt and get a fresh financial start.
Evaluate Your Financial Situation
The bankruptcy laws are strict, and the penalties for violating them are severe. Our bankruptcy attorneys could evaluate your financial situation and determine the best course of action. They could help you to avoid mistakes that could get you into trouble like running up debt recklessly or selling assets to friends and family members for pennies on the dollar, and they will make sure that you don’t forget any creditors when you prepare your bankruptcy petition.
Prepare for the Bankruptcy Means Test
You will have to pass the bankruptcy means test if you want to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which means you will probably have to disclose all of your assets and sources of income. Our experienced bankruptcy attorneys know the income thresholds you will have to meet to pass the means test, and they can help you to complete and submit the necessary paperwork. You should not worry too much about the means test because most Chapter 7 petitioners pass it with ease.
Make Sure You Meet Bankruptcy Deadlines
You will have to submit bankruptcy documents in a timely manner if you want your case to go smoothly. Your case will be dismissed if you submit documents late, and you will have to start again. Our bankruptcy attorneys know all of the Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 deadlines, and they could work hard to make sure that you meet them.
Advocate on Your Behalf
Your creditors may not be happy about your decision to file a personal bankruptcy, and they may object to your petition and try to get your case dismissed. Our attorneys have represented hundreds of Galena and Centerburg residents in bankruptcy proceedings, and they could advocate fiercely on your behalf. Our attorneys could represent you in meetings held with creditors and the bankruptcy trustee assigned to your case, and they could make arguments on your behalf in court.
Contact Creditors That Continue to Hound You
A court order called an automatic stay will be issued when you file your bankruptcy petition that orders your creditors to cease all of their collection efforts. Our attorneys could take steps to make sure that all debt-related wage garnishments and lawsuits are stopped, and they could contact creditors that ignore the automatic stay and continue to hound you for payment.
Contact Our Experienced Attorneys Today
The road to a personal bankruptcy can seem daunting to people who are unfamiliar with the legal system, but you do not have to travel it alone. Our experienced bankruptcy attorneys have represented hundreds of people just like you, and they are standing by to answer your questions and address your concerns. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation today.